We would like to announce a new facility in the SAMSoc website. We are inviting members to list details of any clinical trials that they are currently undertaking, within the SAMSoc Wiki.

Our hope is that by distributing this information to our members, case recruitment for your study will increase. It may also lead to collaboration with other groups.

In time, it will also build into a valuable, searchable database of research work carried out by our members.

After completion and successful publication of any trails you have posted, we would appreciate it if you could post an abstract of the work (within the Wiki with an appropriate journal citation)  for our members to view. 

Details of how to upload your trail data and the information required in the post can be found in the Wiki section of the SAMSoc page (you will find Wiki in the quick links menu on the right of the page). If you have any problems please contact us.

 A "News" feature will be distributed intermittently to all members to summaries deatils of recently posted trails

Our first research post is from Stijn Niessen of the RVC. He is inviting vets, nurses and owners to complete a short questionnaire on patients undergoing therapy for diabetes mellitus. Further details on how to source the questionnaires can be found in his post in the SAMSoc Wiki.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.