JSAP is pleased to announce that it will provide two seminars to be held during BSAVA Congress, in conjunction with the Clinical Research Abstract sessions, aimed at providing guidance for those seeking to publish their research and wishing to critically evaluate published studies. These sessions are free to attend but numbers are limited (see below).

Friday 9 April

12.05–12.35 (Hall 7b, ICC)

How To Put A Paper Together

Speaker: Malcolm Ness


Vets in practice are ideally placed to conduct and publish clinical research because they are the ones actually seeing the cases! Many practitioners are put off because of a perceived difficulty in "getting published". This is largely fear of the unknown and like most things, once you know the rules, it is easier to play the game. The purpose of the seminar is to look at and learn the "rules" of writing a paper for publication in a peer reviewed veterinary journal. Areas considered will include:

What makes a good clinical research project?

Understanding the standard format for writing a paper – which bits go where, and why

The peer review process – how it works and why

Handling rejection!

The seminar is intended for anyone aspiring to seeing their work published in a peer reviewed veterinary journal including interns, residents, researchers and referral clinicians but especially colleagues working in primary care clinical practice.

Saturday 10 April

12.05–12.35 (Hall 7a, ICC)

Critical Reading

Speaker: Adrian Boswood


Reading original articles from the peer-reviewed literature can at first seem a daunting task. It is however, only by evaluating full papers (rather than skimming and believing abstracts!) that the strengths and weaknesses of published studies can be truly appreciated. This seminar at BSAVA congress is designed to give attendees a basic understanding of how to approach original papers.

The seminar will begin with an outline of the formal structure of a scientific paper and give guidelines for readers as to where critical information in the paper should be sought. Examples from the veterinary and medical literature examples of good (and in some cases bad!) practice will be used to illustrate this critical approach. The seminar is designed for practitioners wishing to develop a more questioning approach and for those in the early stages of a clinical academic career (although anyone is welcome to attend).

Adrian Boswood is Professor of Veterinary Cardiology at the Royal Veterinary College and a RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology and a European Specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine (Cardiology).

Malcolm Ness is Founding Partner at Croft Veterinary Hospital and a RCVS and European Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery.

Spaces for these seminars are limited, and those attending the Saturday seminar will be sent a paper to evaluate in advance that will be discussed at the meeting. Therefore, if you would like to attend either of these seminars please contact Ian Mellor, Media Sales Manager, British Small Animal Veterinary Association (email: i.mellor@bsava.com) by Friday 26 March.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.