This was an aspirate from a 7 year old dog with acute polylymphadenomegally.

Aspirates of multiple lymph nodes harvested a predominant population of large lymphocytes (2-3 X the diameter of an RBC).

These cells usually have more abundant clumped basophilic cytoplasm, very round, and a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio.

Usually they have large single and multiple nucleoli and high grade tumours also display frequent mitoses (arrowhead).

Mitoses are infrequent even in cases of profound hyperplasia.

The multiple small blue dots are lymphoglandular bodies; these are blebs of cytoplasm that are most frequent in aspirates where there is active lymphocyte proliferation (hyperplasia and neoplasia).

Tingible-body macrophages are macrophages which have engulved these bodies and nuclear fragments from apoptotic lymphocytes.

First published: Thu, Oct 21 2010