is launching Need to Know, a free monthly briefing written for busy vets by busy vets.

The new briefing will summarise the latest veterinary innovations, resources and research which are of practical value to vets in practice. In other words, only what you strictly need to know.

Need to Know content will be curated by three practising veterinary surgeons: Liz Barton MRCVS (Small Animal, pictured right), Aoife Byrne MRCVS (Equine), and Rachel Tennant MRCVS (Farm Animal). It replaces InDigestion,’s previous monthly newsletter which only linked to the most popular content on the site itself. By contrast, Need to Know summarises developments from all sources. Editor Arlo Guthrie said: "In these days of information overload, our aim here is to provide busy veterinary surgeons with a really succinct summary of anything that really matters, wherever it comes from."

Need to Know is the result of a new partnership between and Vetsnet, a veterinary wellbeing resource hub set up by Liz to support her colleagues in the profession, and the bulk of any additional advertising revenue generated by the initiative will be ploughed back into Vetsnet.

Arlo added: "Since VetSurgeon launched back in 2008, content has been entirely curated by me. I like to think that has worked reasonably well. Still, having practising veterinary surgeons involved editorially is a big step forward in making sure our content is always useful and relevant."

Anyone subscribed to receive emails from on registration will automatically receive Need To Know.

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PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.