Michaela Strachan presents Fluke: That's a fact Janssen Animal Health has produced a new DVD called 'Fluke: That's a Fact', which is available free from the company.

The 18 minute film features TV presenter Michaela Strachan discussing the big issues surrounding fluke in sheep, such as the effects on productivity and fertility and the need to adapt treatment regimes to reflect the current challenge in the environment, weather patterns and the possibility of resistance to commonly used flukicides. There is also a section on Haemonchus, the Barber's Pole worm, as the parasite has been reported in a number of farms in the last few years.

According to the company, fluke is becoming increasingly common and is moving into new areas of the UK. There is increasing evidence that a single autumn / winter dose of flukicide may not always be enough to control the disease on some farms and more frequent dosing programmes are now often proposed that look more long term to reduce the level of the disease on farms, especially  on those  farms with high infection pressure. The film clearly explains these different approaches and the benefits of treating at various times of the year.

Janssen's Livestock Marketing Manager Nigel Underwood hopes the film will be a great educational tool that will help both farmers and SQPs better understand the disease: "With ten easy to watch sections, people will be able to listen to the whole story or just dip into those areas where they feel they need to know more. With her long standing interest in the countryside and wildlife, Michaela Strachan was the perfect choice to present what can be a rather complex story and I'm sure everyone will enjoy her clear explanation of the facts."

To request a DVD or for further information, please contact Janssen Animal Health, 50-100 Holmers Farm Way, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4EG. Tel 01494 567555 Fax 01494 567556 Email: ahealth@its.jnj.com www.janssenanimalhealth.com/uk

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