Onsior NSAID from Novartis Animal HealthNovartis Animal Health has launched Onsior®, a coxib NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for the relief of pain and inflammation in both cats and dogs.

According to the company, NSAIDs traditionally inhibit both COX-2 and COX-1 enzymes which can result in common side effects involving the gastrointestinal tract and the kidneys. Onsior, however, targets the pain-causing COX-2 enzymes while sparing the protective actions of COX-1 and is the only coxib licensed for cats as well as dogs. 

Novartis says tissue selectivity is a further benefit of Onsior. The drug travels rapidly through the bloodstream to the site of injury or irritation. It then concentrates at the point of inflammation, while exiting the bloodstream very quickly.

Dosed once daily, Novartis says Onsior has an excellent safety profile and fits different administration routes with pain and inflammatory indications, which are:

  • An injectable solution for surgery (soft tissue in cats and soft tissue or orthopaedic surgery in dogs)
  • Flavoured tablets, for pain and inflammation related to or acute pain and inflammation associated with musculoskeletal disorders in cats

Kelly Doucette, DVM, Global Technical Services Manager with Novartis Animal Health said: "With the benefits of being tissue selective, sparing COX-1, and having a short blood half-life - as well as being approved for both cats and dogs - Onsior will stand out as the new pain reliever of choice for vets."

Folkert Kamphuis, COO Novartis Animal Health added: "Onsior covers multiple indications, works for cats and dogs, comes in two formulations - oral and injectable - and is very simple to dose, which allows veterinarians to use it as the cornerstone of pain management in their clinics.  With this complete range, Onsior will offer veterinarians a convenient solution addressing all their different needs."

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