Lateral: 4 year old Labrador retriever

  • Note positioning:
    • Superimposition of femoral condyles
    • Superimposition of fabellae
    • Beam centred on stifle joint
  • Appropriate exposure allows definition of large infra-patellar fat shadow
    • Note small triangular shaped joint fluid shadow
    • Fascial planes caudal to joint are identifiable and not displaced.
  • Note smooth, rounded outlines to all bones.
  • No signs of osteophyte formation.
    • It is not unusual to see what looks like an ostephyte forming at the distal pole of the patella - that is normal.
    • In contrast, any irregularity on either fabella is considered abnormal.
  • The sizes and shapes of the joint fluid/infra-patellar fat shadows should be evaluated very carefully.
    • Synovitis/joint effusion is the first sign of stifle joint OA which is most commonly caused by cruciate ligament  pathology.