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Chunk Training

Chunk Training

Top class staff training, with minimal management effort!

Help your veterinary practice thrive by using Chunk Training's excellent courses, these include:
Caring for Clients course of 6 modules; 
Caring for Clients
1. Delighting the client
2. Winning the new client
3. Communication, listening and conversing
4. Bereavement
5. Referrals and second opinions
6. Dealing with complaints and mistakes


Clinical Information for Support Staff course of 6 modules; 
Clinical Information for Support Staff
1. What's that crawling on my pet? (Ectoparasites)
2. What's that lurking in my pet? (Endoparasites)
3. Treatment of fleas, ticks and worms (Individualised)
4. Neutering
5. Vaccination (Individualised)
6. Is it an emergency?


Managing Money Matters course of 2 modules; 
Managing Money Matters
1. Debt Control
2. Pet Insurance


Using a powerful training system tried and tested by companies such as Google, Dyson and Nike, Chunk Training can lay the basis for a great client experience at your practice. Modules train all your staff, from Manager to Kennel assistant in the art of giving consistent, aligned advice at the ‘front line’ – the points of communication between practice and client. 

Liz Watkins BVSC MRCVS developed the system for her own practice over several years, refining and growing it to solve the issues growing practices have in keeping all staff, including new starters, trained in client care issues. 

For more information about how Chunk Training works and what it can do for you, to have a trial or to buy a course, please see our website, e-mail us at or call us on 01934 235850.