TR Biosurgical will be officially launching its new surgical treatment for canine glaucoma at the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists annual conference in Chicago at the start of November.

TR-ClarifEYE is an sub-scleral implant placed in the eye in a procedure that takes around 30  minutes.

TR Biosurgical CEO Craig Woods DVM said: "TR-ClarifEYE is made from new silicone substrate subjected to a unique process which reduces fibrosis and enhances healing."

"Until now, the primary treatment options for canine glaucoma have been laser surgery, cryosurgery, evisceration or enucleation. Certain procedures can be either complicated and expensive, or fail to save the eye.  Previous implants have met with only limited success, and TR-ClarifEYE appears to overcome many of the problems with glaucoma implants."

"This new implant is a relatively easy surgical approach. It has limited post-op complications. It seems to provide long term glaucoma management in the majority of patients, most of which are able to reduce medications."

For more information about TR-ClarifEYE, visit:  

Practitioners interested in learning more about this procedure, click here and 'start conversation' with Craig

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